Quantum Tech, Coming Soon
March 1, 2022 from 3:00-4:00 PM
Zoom coordinates to be provided upon registration.
There has been tremendous progress in recent years in quantum tech, which has the potential to impact many industries. Stefan will review the progress in quantum tech and highlight promising real-world applications in areas such as medical imaging and diagnostics, communications, cybersecurity, and positioning and navigation to name a few (hint: not everything is about quantum computing!).
The potential of quantum tech and its ecosystems can only be realized if there is a push for inclusive workforce education to train a new generation of talent to build and take advantage of these quantum technological tools and resources. In addition, there is a need for partnerships between universities, industry (large and small), and the government to advance quantum technology to the next level.
About Stefan Leichenauer, Ph.D.
Stefan is a researcher with a background in physics who works on real-world applications of AI and quantum technologies. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from UC Berkeley and has held positions in Physics at UC Berkeley and Caltech as a leading researcher. Stefan has also worked at Alphabet as Research Scientist and Engineering Lead. Learn more about Stefan and his scholarly work below:
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